Get your 12-month pass!

12 months of Change - 3 months in The Change Room, followed by 9 months in the Change Crew Membership, only $47/ month for 12 months.

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Your Special

Black Friday

Offer is here!

Don't wait for the next round of The Change Room - get your all-access, 12 month pass now!

Lady - we all know waiting is soooooo boring. So skip the queue! Activate your 12 month pass by Monday 28th, 11:59PM to avoid the wait.

Get started today from just $47.


with me

Join me in The Change Room,

a space where we find ourselves, where we create ourselves,
where we transform.


Get started today from just $47.

Your Secret Offer ends in:

LC Change Room Sales Illustrations V02-01

I see you…

Trying so hard.
Holding everything together.

Grateful for what you have, but also wishing things were different… better… or at the very least, not so freaking tough.

I see you, and I know what that feels like, because I *am* you.

We’ve all been thrown some doozies in the past few years, right?

And we’re all feeling varying degrees of over-stretched, overwhelmed, OVER IT.

The thing is, when the hits keep coming, and when you’re already depleted, it’s hard to find the time and space to focus on yourself — especially when there’s SO MUCH ELSE demanding our energy and attention.

With so many balls in the air and so many things on the to-do list, it’s easy to just keep treading water — not going anywhere, stuck in survival mode, and unable to do any of the things that would actually change your situation and how you feel…

Then there’s this

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So, like, what if we said screw it, and just found our own way? A new way?

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Then there’s this:

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Everything we’re told about changing our habits and making our lives better — in books, podcasts, online courses, etc — always seems to make it:

  • Feel heavy and onerous. Like it’s just another thing we need to squeeze into our schedule (or feel guilty about)
  • Be super complicated — when for so many of us, even just doing the basics can feel out of reach.
  • Ignore the very real pressures that women face and the mental load that we carry. (Yes, I’m sure we’d all love to run off to a tropical island and focus on nothing but our fitness / headspace / relationship, but COME ON!)
  • Make us feel like there’s something wrong with US when whatever they’ve suggested doesn’t work. (Um, thanks, bro.)
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Come join me in…


Use the first three months of your 12 month pass in The Change Room program to nail the basics, make upgrades to your life, and get the heck out of survival mode…

…while also being

Get started today from just $47.

Your Secret Offer ends in:

When you’re in a clothing store, the place you go to transform is the change room.

And the way you transform is by trying things on.

Is like that.

Except instead of trying on jeans and tee’s, we’re trying on new mindsets, behavioural tweaks, switch-ups in routine, habit swaps…

… basically, all the things that can make a real, genuine difference to how you feel everyday and to how your life feels overall.

And this is your invitation to join me…

So what do we do inside The Change Room?

Here’s the nutshell version:

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We learn some
simple ‘life tools’.

These are ‘The Basics’. Literally. They’re things (reframes, mindset shifts, questions to ask yourself) that are super simple, but can make a genuine difference to how you feel.


We apply them to different areas of our life.

You get to “try on” tiny changes to your habits, mindset and behaviour.


We take what fits —
and leave what doesn’t.

You’re in control here.

And when you find the stuff that’s right for you?

My goodness it feels good.

The end result?

We transform.

You’ll have made upgrades to your life that are small…



So not only will you feel better and get to (finally) shift out of survival mode, you can also trust yourself that these changes are going to *stick*.

(And that feeling alone is priceless.)

Then we move on to a different life area and do it all again the next fortnight —

stacking up these simple life upgrades, and seeing a real, genuine transformation in how we feel… and who we are.

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Sound good?

Let’s break it down some more:

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We start with ‘The Basics’...

In your wardrobe, ‘the basics’ are the things that make everything else work — the perfect jeans, the white tee, your fave knickers. These are the staples you rely on to feel great, and that you keep coming back to again and again.

In The Change Room, we’ve got the equivalent — 6 ‘basic’ concepts that, when you apply them to your life, can make a massive difference to how you feel. Yet weirdly, because they’re so simple and so NOT complicated, so many of us overlook them!

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There are
6 ‘Basics’ —

I walk you through each one in a short video (ten minutes max, with audio and transcript versions too)

They won’t feel like rocket-science

But that's the whole point. And you’ll likely have a few face-palm moments when you realise that you haven’t been taking advantage of these power tools. (Luckily, they’re SUPER easy to integrate into your life.)

And we’ll take a week to explore them all fully.

(You get instant access to all 6 videos as soon as you join)

Now that you’ve met ‘The Basics’, it’s time to put them to work in different areas of your life…

Our 6 areas are:

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How you start your day

And how organised you feel

What you’re eating

How you’re moving

How your home feels

How you end your day

Sounds simple enough, huh?

Here’s the thing: in all my years working with women to create change in their lives, these are the areas that — with small tweaks — can completely change how they feel day to day. Which has a flow-on effect to so much more!

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So let’s start "trying stuff on".

Here's how —

We’ll hone in on a different Life Area each fortnight. I’ll be sending you audios — about once every two days — to walk you through how to apply each of the Basics to that area.

Keep in mind, nothing’s prescriptive: The Change Room knows that everyone is different!

But that's the magic of it — The Basics are so fundamental, so un-fussy, that you can fit them into your life in a multitude of ways, no matter what season of life you’re in.

With each tweak or shift you are building your 'perfect outfit' (or life!) — one that’s totally unique to you. And it's going to be easier than you think to get there, because I'll be guiding you every step of the way.

Every two weeks,
you’ll get:

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A potent (and joyfully short!) video

introducing the Life Area, and opening you up to what possibilities and upgrades you might like to experiment with

A genuinely useful worksheet —

because sometimes doing things with pen and paper helps your brain *get it*, yaknow?

6 gentle, supportive audios (3 per week)

walking you through exactly how to apply the Basics to this Life Area. (These are delivered direct to your phone through a private podcast feed, making it blissfully easy to listen… even when you’re busy.)

An inspiring Q&A audio —

Got questions? Submit them via the membership portal, and I’ll handpick the most powerful ones and record the answers in an audio.
Again, this will be delivered straight to your phone, so you don’t even have to *think* about downloading anything or “keeping up”. (Can you tell that “ease” is one of our core values?!)


Change Room Check-Ins


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While I'm touching base with you via audio throughout our twelve months together, I know that sometimes it really helps to have someone check in on you. So consider our live sessions just that!

I'll be sharing how I've applied the Basics to my life (there'll probably be an example from that very day — THAT is how integral these Basics are to my life) and checking in on your tweaks and upgrades.

We’ll mix these calls up between daytime and nighttime, so everyone can get a chance to attend live. But also, don’t worry if you can’t make it on the day — the recordings (and all the magic) will be waiting for you in the portal, and (you guessed it) delivered direct to your phone.

Imagine having simple, reliable techniques up your sleeve you can use to:

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  • Make mornings feel more spacious (enjoyable, even) even if your kid has lost their shoes — and YOU’D normally be losing your marbles!
  • Shift family mealtimes into ease-mode — so that you’re not stressing out every evening and rushing to the shops at 5pm
  • Strip away the non-necessities that clog up your headspace and your calendar (and intentionally build some white space into your life)
  • Create nightly rituals that feel nourishing (even a bit luxurious!) instead of crawling into bed after way too long on your devices
  • Come at Monday morning with a sense of calm and excitement instead of that horrible 'starting from behind' place.
  • Get rid of that cortisol surge you feel every time you look in *that* drawer in your kitchen or open *that* cupboard in your garage
  • Help you look forward to your daily walk — even when it’s freezing outside and you’d rather be doing anything but
  • Identify fresh possibilities and choices in your life, where before you saw none
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That’s just scratching the surface when it comes to the kinds of upgrades we’ll be exploring.


you’ll feel different.

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I’m not here to blow smoke. This isn’t about doing a complete “life overhaul”... and that’s why it’s so great. That’s literally why it freaking works. Because:

  • We focus on simple, useful upgrades. Not the hoity-toity stuff — the stuff that MAKES A DIFFERENCE to how you feel in your real life.
  • The upgrades are made so bloody easy by this framework. (I’ve been doing this work for a long time — let me share these tools and reframes with you, they’re SO good.)
  • By making one small change at a time, everything’s doable and non-freak-out-able (which is what really sets this program apart)
  • These upgrades will stack on top of each other. So by the end of the three months, without even really *noticing* it, you’ll have made really meaningful shifts in really important areas of your life.


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Everything’s housed in your membership portal

So you’ll never lose track of anything.

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Everything in "The Change Room" is yours to download and keep

So you can build up a ‘wardrobe’ of life-tools that you’ll dip back into for years to come.

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Everything’s on audio.

It’s all designed to fit into your life in the easiest way possible. That’s why we deliver ALL content direct to your phone, via a private podcast feed.

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Everything’s self-paced.

You don’t have to “keep up”. If you just want to build up a bank of valuable audios on your phone, then listen to them in one hit when you’re ‘feeling it’, go for it!

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Everything’s accessible.

Accessibility is so important to me & I know it is to you too. So we’ve baked it right in — into the content (audios & transcripts for everything), & the payment (no penalty for split payment.)

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No thoughtless suggestions to “hustle harder” or “get up earlier”. And no unrealistic “solutions” that require a trust fund and a full time nanny to make happen.

“Amen! Through your courses and guidance Lisa Corduff, I have realised the greatest gift to my relationships is the change I have initiated for myself... Or the understanding I have offered myself. Either way, I am living more honestly. X”

— Nicky Giambuzzi

Nicky G pic

I’d be so honoured
to welcome you inside

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Don't wait for next round! Get your 12 month Access Pass now!

To recap, here’s what you’re getting:

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‘The Basics’ —

a toolkit of 6 core tools and techniques that are so simple (but so effective) you’ll rely on them for life

A Video + Worksheet for each Life Area —

exploring where you’re at now and where you might like to go (6 in total, one per fortnight, with audio versions too)

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6 Audios for each Life Area —

walking you through exactly how to apply each of the Basics to that area (so that you can get those upgrades)

Q&A audios —

one for each Life Area, to troubleshoot questions and help build your confidence (6 in total)

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All audios delivered direct to your phone.

(The ease! 🙌)

Lifetime access
to all content

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Everything housed in your membership portal

14 day money-back guarantee

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PLUS: 3 x Change Room Check-ins + 9 x Change Crew Sessions

(aka LIVE calls with me, Lisa) — where we’ll jam on all the factors and ‘feels’ that come into play when we make upgrades to our life

One simple payment plan:

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12 month Pass:

3 months of The Change Room

and 9 months of The Change Crew

secret offer: Save $81

$645 value


(Pay $564 in total - save $81!).

Get started today from just $47.

Your Secret Offer ends in:

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Included in your 12 month pass:

Take it to the next level with continued support, more change and deeper connections with 9 months access to:

The Change Crew

With Lisa Corduff

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The Change Crew is an online membership that gives you everything you need to keep making meaningful upgrades to your life each month, and to take action on all those things that most people spend years (or even lifetimes) dreaming about, but never doing.

It’s exclusively for members of The Change Room. We’re going to build on everything you’ve learned, and take it next-level.

Your 12 month access pass includes 9 months membership in The Change Crew (you'll be added automatically once The Change Room ends

Get started today from just $47.

“Yes! Your programs really have helped me open up my eyes, my mind & my heart. So many words I have learnt from you that could go on a billboard.”


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There’s no ‘one size fits all’ here.

Do what works for you. Leave what doesn’t.

This is a support system to get you moving in a direction that feels good. It’s not a prescription, it’s not another entry on your to-do list, and it’s definitely not something else to feel ‘guilty’ about.

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14 Day Happiness Guarantee

We’re all about trying things on and seeing what fits. If you join, and the first few weeks of content don’t genuinely help you, just email the team ( by November 15th and we’ll refund your payment in full.

Got Questions?

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“I love listening to Lisa. She's so positive and upbeat, and I think I really needed her voice to help me look forward. I'm a very calm person but so many things were against me and I just wanted peace! It's so worth it, even if we think we've tried so many other things, Lisa has real answers and it's so much fun too. It's made me stronger and there are many lightbulb moments”


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Curious about what happens inside


Take a look at some of the "light-bulb" moments our members are experiencing in the program...



I feel like "choice" has made a difference in terms of mindset. Just shifting my mindset around choice has been super helpful!



Wonderful Program


Thank you for a wonderful program, I hope you are proud and pleased of it.


Wonderful Program

Choice, Personal Responsibility & Rest


Choice and personal responsibility and rest is the newest one for me... I am thinking about it in a very different way!


Choice, Personal Responsibility & Rest

So Many Gems


There are so many gems in there, and when I've listed to some more than once already I've picked up different things each time.


So Many Gems

Private Podcasts


Love the podcasts. great for listening to in the car between drop off/pick up and work!


Private Podcasts

Live Q&A


The little snippets were great and the Q & A was really valuable too.


Live Q&A

Rewriting Stories


The repetition is definitely helping my subconscious. When I feel a bit stuck or get a bit into a negative story, I find my subconscious trigger:
‘am I being intentional with my time?’
‘what do I need today?’
‘what’s one thing I can do towards where I want to be?’


Rewriting Stories

A New Start in 2023


I am excited to try on more new things in my mornings. TCR principles actually motivated me to finally make the choice of changing my work set up a big change was needed to leave a place - 7 weeks to go! This was an area of my life impacting all the other areas. 2023 is a new start new vision for me after a period of good rest and fresh mindset. More headspace and actual time to try stuff on!


A New Start in 2023

New Healthy Habits


Yep - I have been stuck to my phone badly for years and just in the past week I’ve been putting my phone in another room and consciously choosing to do other things!


New Healthy Habits

Saving Myself!


Personal Responsibility! Nobody is coming to save me so I will make things better for myself.


Saving Myself!

Halving my Screen Time!


I had horrific stats on my screen time data. It’s embarrassing. So I’ve set myself a challenge to halve it each week. Some days I lapse and fall back into the scrolling and reach for my phone for no real reason. But last week I reduced my phone use by 2/3 so that was a win and I was proud of myself. I’m going to keep working on it.


Halving my Screen Time!

Turning off Auto Pilot!


I have an alarm set in my phone at 7.30 every morning - drives my husband mad, but anyway 🙂 - asking me who I am choosing to be today. It's my trigger every morning to stop, think and choose so I don't get caught up in auto pilot.


Turning off Auto Pilot!

Feeling Supported!


Feeling supported is so important. I have really enjoyed the repetition of the principles to help make them stick.


Feeling Supported!

Saying Good-bye to Facebook!


Since reading your book recommendation I deleted Facebook from my phone and the weekly stats that came on my phone was down 3 hours!


Saying Good-bye to Facebook!

Calm and Clear Mind


My biggest win has been with simplicity and clearing spaces. Decluttering the physical and visual so my mind is calmer/clearer.


Calm and Clear Mind

Powerful Framework


You have developed a really powerful framework that people can come back to if things ever feel a little off kilter in the future. I am really looking forward to working through all of the six life areas. I love your honesty in the videos and your ability to articulate what women / mothers are feeling. Thank you for giving me the kick up the butt I needed. You rock. 


Powerful Framework

Relatable Coach


I think you are the most relatable coach that I have come across, and enjoy all the programs you put out! Thanks


Relatable Coach

Small Simple Changes Make a Difference


I just wanted to send you a quick message as we come to the end of the first two weeks with working on our mornings, to say… wow! I really can’t believe that the small simple changes I have made have impacted on making my mornings so much better. Just the smallest of things have worked for me in big ways.


Small Simple Changes Make a Difference

Priceless Advice


Two simple changes that’s it! AMAZING! I’ve decided to just stick with these two changes for now until these become the new normal and then implement another change. Which is a real breakthrough for me as I tend to change everything at once and so never stick to them. Your advice is priceless Lisa, thank you so much, can’t wait for part 2!! XX


Priceless Advice

Setting Me Up for a Better Day


Something I took out of last week, was to get my clothes out the night before, or think about what I want to wear the night before, to stop me putting on my lockdown winter trackies every day. I think it became habit over the last two winters and my morning self automatically reaches for them, when I am cold and tired. I do notice how I dress helps set my tone for the day. So, clothes out for me is not necessarily simplifying, it’s setting me up for a better day.


Setting Me Up for a Better Day

Bloody Wonderful Course


Lisa said, "How would it feel to actually properly commit to doing this course and keeping up." Answer = bloody wonderful. This course has come at just the right time for me.


Bloody Wonderful Course

Simplifying Life is the Key!


I just thought I would take this opportunity tonight to tell you how much of what I have learnt in here has changed so much for me. And when I say change what I really mean is how much it has simplified my life so far! When it finally clicked that simplifying life was actually the key I felt like I'd found the magic pill!


Simplifying Life is the Key!

Quick and Easy Audios


I am keeping up with the audios as they are so quick and easy to access. Keeps me thinking about the focus area regularly.


Quick and Easy Audios

Absolute GOLD Advice!


The advice you gave me on the Q&A about doing all the things I wanted to do first, then doing the house work was absolute GOLD! Now ticking off the important things instead of procrastinating YAY!


Absolute GOLD Advice!

Reeeeeeally valuable Q&A's


The Q&A audios are reeeeeeally valuable - thank you!


Reeeeeeally valuable Q&A's
Take a closer look...

Lady, we’re not meant to spend our whole lives stuck in survival mode.

And we’re not meant to feel overwhelmed, depleted and ‘low-level crappy’ all the time either.

The next three months are going to pass no matter what.

You can keep feeling stuck in place — always stretched too thin, always trying to “just get through” this next week / month / whatever, and never having any time or energy for yourself.

Or you can break the cycle. Here, now, together. And so bloody simply.

Even just ONE upgrade to your life can change how you feel forever — and we’ll be exploring dozens.

And when you consider that those *things* that click for you will make every single one of your mornings, or evenings, or meals EASIER from here on out… well, it’s a no-brainer.

So with nothing to lose and so much to gain, the only question remaining is…

… what are you waiting for?

join me and start your year of change now!

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With 12 months of live calls, easy-to-implement changes, the Foundation of the Change Room followed by 9 months of added support in The Change Crew, a 30-day money-back guarantee, and a monthly payment plan, you’ve got literally NOTHING to lose!

Value: $645
Join for just $47 / month for 12 months
(Save $81)

One simple payment plan:

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12 month Pass:

3 months of The Change Room

and 9 months of The Change Crew

secret offer: Save $81

$645 value


(Pay $564 in total - save $81!).

Get started today from just $47.

Your Secret Offer ends in:

LC - Back To You Tripwire Secure Checkout-13


The Change Room is a space where we find ourselves, where we create ourselves,
where we transform.

© 2025 The Change Room.
All Rights Reserved.